Office of Strategic Communications
Brand Guide



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While the Liberal Arts brand fits within the overarching Penn State brand, the content on this page related to Liberal Arts brand voice and content strategy will allow you to dive deeper into what makes the College of the Liberal Arts unique and how we can draw upon our shared story to market ourselves in an authentic and attractive way that connects with our audiences and motivates them to take action.

Women sitting in front of a computer screen looking at a website


Our unit websites play an important role in our marketing to prospective students and faculty. Each unit has at least one web editor responsible for keeping the unit’s website content accurate and engaging. Our website tutorials page on the Admin Gateway provides an overview for new web editors and experienced ones who might need a refresher.

Social Media

Content strategy is a big part of social media. Determining your target audiences and creating content specific to those audiences on your platforms can help increase engagement and loyalty. In addition to providing you with content strategy ideas, we go over guidelines for creating new social media accounts and numerous other social media best practices.

Woman holding her phone looking at social media


Mass email is a vital tool for keeping students, faculty, staff, and alumni connected. It helps us share updates, deadlines, and events, fostering engagement and a sense of community within our college. Whether you’re using a marketing platform like Mailchimp, or Microsoft Sway, or sending your emails through Penn State Listserv, we have best practices for building and sending emails to ensure your emails follow Penn State guidelines and comply with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Photo of College Merchandise

Branded Merchandise

With so many options for ordering branded merchandise, the Office of Strategic Communications is here to help you navigate the process. View the items we order most often and the companies we order from. Shop our online store as well.


There are many things to consider when planning an event, and once the event is planned, you’ll need to promote it. We provide information about promoting your events through the college calendar, undergraduate newswire, student listservs, faculty and staff listservs, digital signs, and social media. Plus, find info about commencement communications.